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TicBiomed @ RHFH

TicBiomed is an association specialised in promoting digital health. The organisation’s mission is to drive the digital transformation of European health and care systems, and more specifically to facilitate innovation adoption and procurement processes.


How can we make healthcare innovation procurement more impactful?

Monday 12 June   –   15:00-16:30

This session will focus on innovation procurement as a tool to introduce innovation in healthcare organisations and to accelerate the adoption of innovative solutions. Innovation procurement is potentially one of the most powerful innovation policy instruments currently available to drive change and foster innovation. With a demand-driven approach, it describes challenges that need to be addressed by evolving procurement processes rather than evolving solutions already on the market with a proven track record.

Currently, several instruments such as Pre-Commercial Public Procurement (PCP), Public Procurement of Innovative Solutions (PPIs) and Innovation Partnership co-exist at European level, allowing procurers to drive innovation from the demand side. Nevertheless, even if the co-developed solution assessment is successful, most of the time healthcare organisations do not implement it once the project concludes. For that reason, these instruments should evolve to maximise the chances of adoption of an evidence-based solution and make sure this impact extends to patients, healthcare professionals and health systems as a whole.

The final aim of this session is to engage key stakeholders in discussing challenges and how to approach them from their perspective, but also, to put on the table an initial roadmap on how to co-create solutions for greater adoption.

This panel discussion will feature experts from healthcare organisations who will share their knowledge, experiences and lessons learnt, including:

  • Prof. Alberto E. Tozzi. Head of Predictive and Preventive Medicine Research Unit. Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù – AICCELERATE Partner, Italy
  • Timo Alalääkkölä. Manager, Testing and Innovations. Oulu University Hospital – AICCELERATE Partner, Finland
  • Carlos Larrañeta. Servicio Andaluz de Salud – PROCURE4HEALTH Coordinator, Spain

 Chair: Myriam Martín, Head of Project Management, Ticbiomed, Spain