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Genuine, Collaborative, Inclusive,
Made in Europe, and Radical

Inclusivity is one of Radical Health Festival Helsinki’s core values – all the way from the diversity of the participating stakeholders to our pricing models. The urgent need for a genuine European arena for health and care that brings together people, data, and innovations has risen from the rapid change we are witnessing in the field of health – Radical Health Festival Helsinki is answering that need. This event is truly made by Europeans for Europeans.

Healthcare is a puzzle, let’s solve it together!

Radical Health Festival Helsinki is the result of a collaborative effort from over 20 key European contributing partners including the Finnish Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, the European Society of Cardiology (ESC), Nightingale Health, the College of Health Information Management Executives (CHIME), The International Associations of National Health Institutes (IANPHI), éditohealthECHAlliance, EHTELHealthtech Finland, and COCIR among others. Gathering their expertise as well as their audiences, the Festival is unique in delivering the highest quality content and the greatest diversity of stakeholders. Only this way can we claim to gather the ”entire” health innovation ecosystem. 

Interested in becoming a Festival partner? Contact Sean Roberts at

Why is it Critical to Be Radical?

Healthcare systems are in trouble. The list of challenges facing them is only getting longer: ageing populations, shortages and burnouts of health professionals, rising lifestyle-related cardio-metabolic diseases, unsustainable payment models, siloed information, lack of focus on prevention…

Radical Health Festival Helsinki is driven by a genuine and shared ambition of all the contributing partners to transform healthcare, deliver value, improve clinical and financial outcomes, and make health systems sustainable. Our target audience is anyone who believes only radical changes will get us there. Now more than ever it´s critical to be radical.

Our shared values and guiding principles are clear:

  • Digital transformation is no longer about technology, it’s about people
  • Promoting innovation is great, but accelerating adoption at scale is really what we need
  • Collaboration of all key ecosystem stakeholders is the only way forward
  • We need to start preaching outside the usual choir of digital health enthusiasts to engage patients, clinicians and end-users, and answer their question ‘’what’s in it for me?’’
  • Successful digital transformation journeys are always co-created
  • Global collaboration and exchange of best practices is the only way forward

Interested in partnership with Radical Health Festival?

Let’s solve the healthcare puzzle together – join the radical movement!