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Ministerial Delegations Activities

Ministerial Delegations Activities

As part of Radical Health Festival Helsinki 2024, the Finnish Ministry of Social Affairs and Health is proposing a full-day programme of site visits and high-level discussions for international ministerial delegations and selected Festival participants.
Finland stands out for its robust foundations for digital health excellence: exemplary data governance, thriving digital society, nurturing ecosystems for innovators, and a well-anchored culture of trust. Here’s what sets Finland apart:

Rich Health Data: Decades of meticulous data collection have culminated in comprehensive national registers and digital health records;

Digital Health and Care: The Finnish healthcare system leverages this wealth of data within a fully digital framework: from tax filings to medical prescriptions, everything is seamlessly accessible online and embraced by the Finnish population;

Innovation Hub: Finland proudly ranks as an Innovation Leader, surpassing the EU average by 134.3% (European Innovation Scoreboard 2023, EU Commission);

Foundation of Trust: Finland operates on a solid foundation of trust, where citizens have confidence in the honesty, fairness, and adherence to laws and regulations by authorities, politicians, and civil servants. This contributes to Finland consistently being among the happiest nations globally!

Finland offers an ideal environment to leverage the use of health data for the development, piloting and large-scale deployment of innovative digital services. During your visit, you’ll find inspiration, learning opportunities, and potential partners for research, development, and innovation. With a strong emphasis on education, engineering prowess, entrepreneurial spirit (with the highest number of startups per capita in the world!), a focus on deep tech and AI, and world-class healthcare and scientific infrastructure, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health is inviting you to discover Finland as a destination of choice for digital health.

Welcome aboard! This full-day programme is designed to immerse you in Finland’s dynamic digital health ecosystem.


8:45  All delegates meet at

HUS Bridge Hospital

Meeting point: Info desk, located in the Bridge Hospital’s main lobby. The session is in auditorium named “Töölö”, close to info desk.

Visiting address: Haartmaninkatu 4, Helsinki, Meilahti
Arrival instructions:

9:00-12:00  Helsinki University Hospital HUS Visit (Invitation Only)

Location: Helsinki, Meilahti HUS campus

  • 9.00 Welcome words
  • 9.05  Introduction to Finnish Social and Health Care System,
    Dr. Päivi Sillanaukee, Special Envoy for Health and Wellbeing and Jukka Lähesmaa,     Consulting Officer, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Finland
  • 9.20 Healthcare AI development, Japanese and Estonian reflections
    Prof. Kazuhiro Sakurada, Keio University School of Medicine, Japan
    Jaanika Merilo, Head of eHealth Strategy in Estonian Government Ministry of Social Affairs of Estonia
  • 9.40 CleverHealth Network – Ecosystem for Public-Private Collaboration
    Katariina Rouvinen, Development Manager, CleverHealth Network Ecosystem coordinator, HUS
  • 9.45 HUS Acamedic – secure, scalable and virtual research environment
    Emmi Turunen, Software Specialist, HUS
  • 9.55  CleverHealth Network project examples: Prospective use and patient recall in registry studies / Rare Diseases
    Docent Mikko Seppänen, HUSHome Dialysis
    Dr. Virpi Rauta, HUSAI Head Analysis
    A/Prof. Miikka Korja, HUS
  • 10.35  International cooperation in EU projects
    Pekka Kahri, Technology Officer, HUS
  • 10.50 Bridge Hospital introduction and tour (max 25 persons)
    Pekka Lahdenne, Project Director, Large Hospital Development Projects, HUS
  • 11.30  The event ends

11:30-12:00 Transfer to Messukeskus (Invitation Only)

12:30-13:30 Lunch (Invitation Only)

13:30-17:20 Ministerial Side-event (Open To All) | Location: Messukeskus, Room 208

  • 13:30-14:45  National Level Health Data and Registries The Big Picture of Finnish Health Data Ecosystem
    Sirpa Soini, Director, Chief Data Officer, Department of Knowledge Brokers, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare THL, Finland
  • The Unique National Health Data Ecosystem Kanta
    Arto Vuori, Director of information services, Social Insurance Institution of Finland Kela, Finland
  • Panel Discussion:
    How data registers and ecosystems benefit people in everyday life, viewpoint of patients and healthcare professionals Markku Heinäsenaho, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health; Sirpa Soini, THL; Arto Vuori, Kela.
    Host: Joonas Siitonen, Fujitsu FinlandCommentator for the panel discussion: Dr. Georg Münzenrieder, Head of Fundamental Matters of Digital Transformation & New Technologies at Bavarian State Ministry of Health, Care and Prevention, Germany
  • 14:45-16:00  Secondary Use of Data Towards the European Health Data Space: Key Insights and Future Directions from Finland’s 5-year Journey
    Johanna Seppänen, Director, Findata, Finland
    Findata has accumulated five years of invaluable hands-on experience in applying EHDS-like legislation nationally. In this keynote, she will highlight essential considerations for the secondary use of health data across Europe and provide practical guidance to leverage this upcoming legislation to its fullest potential. 

    Fingenious Ecosystem – Delivering More Together
    Marco Hautalahti, CEO of FINBB (Finnish Biobanks), Finland
    Aiming to boost international research collaboration, the Fingenious Ecosystem offers a single window to Finnish service providers and data for biomedical research. In this keynote, we’ll guide you through the unique collaborative network, encompassing public, academic, and private stakeholders in administration, data and sample sourcing, analytics, and consulting. If you’re in search of partners, your search ends here. 

    Reflecting the Finnish model from a Japanese viewpoint
    Professor Tomohiro Kuroda, Kyoto University, Japan
    This presentation will provide a comparative analysis of the Finnish model from a Japanese perspective and aims to uncover valuable insights, highlighting potential lessons for both countries. 

    Panel discussion:
    Synergizing the Secondary Use of Health Data – Sketching a Collaboration Blueprint
    Following keynotes, experts from different sectors around the world dissect the implications of these experiences.
    Prof. Tomohiro Kuroda, Kyoto University; Michel Silvestri, Head of Unit from Swedish eHealth Agency (eHälsomyndigheten), Sweden; Mariann Lassenius, Sr. Scientific Advisor, Medaffcon, Finland; Dr. Sangheon Lee, CEO, Huniverse, South Korea.
  • 16:05-17:20 Innovative Age Tech Welcome
    Saara Hassinen, CEO, Healthtech Finland

    Needs from Finland and Japan
    Mika Fiskari, Senior Specialist, Western Uusimaa Wellbeing Services County, Finland
    Dr. Kentaro Watanabe, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan

    Solutions from Finnish companies
    Mikko Hyle, Marketing Director, Evondos Oy; Juha Sarsama, CEO, Everon Oy; Henrik Resman, CEO, Vivago Oy, Finland

    Solutions from Japan
    Dr. Kentaro Watanabe, AIST, Japan

    Panel discussion:
    How important medicine care, remote monitoring, the use of data and new technologies are in the care of the elderly people

    Kati-program providing tools for the adoption of agetech
    Heidi Antila, Senior Researcher, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare THL, Finland

    Training of professionals, co-development and piloting with companies
    Toini Harra, Principal Lecturer Metropolia, Finland

    The living lab, co-development, and piloting initiatives in Japan
    Dr. Kentaro Watanabe, AIST, Japan

    Panel discussion
    Adaption of agetech, professionals, co-development and piloting.

17.30  Official Welcoming act of Festival (With RH Festival Pass):

Location: Messukeskus

Program details HERE

Keynote Opening Speeches

Keynote Panel: Why Deploying Prevention and Precision at Scale?
Hosted by Dr. Päivi Sillanaukee, Special Envoy for Health and Wellbeing, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Finland

19.00 Findata 5yr Anniversary Celebration

Location: Messukeskus

Program details HERE