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In Conversation With podcasts

Gain valuable insights from the top experts in the field!

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In Conversation With: Rahoul Goyal

clinical ai – opening the black box

In Conversation With: Joseph Mocanu

living through setting up a digital health venture fund

In Conversation With: Matthew Holt

what went wrong with digital health and how to fix it?

In Conversation With: Alexander Berler

interoperability – why is it taking so long to reach the promised land?

In Conversation With: Johanna Seppänen

the future for secondary data

In Conversation With: Marc Lange

EHDS Ambitions – greatest hopes or biggest headaches?

In Conversation With: Satu Päiväläinen

Providing every tool in the toolbox

In Conversation With: Tuomo Pentikäinen

data access, privacy and machine learning

In Conversation With: Ilse Rauhaniemi

Prevention and precision at scale is not just a pipe dream

In Conversation With: Liz Ashall-Payne

what went wrong with digital health and how to fix it?

In Conversation With: Prof. Anja Tuulonen

Using data to improve outcomes and reduce costs

In Conversation With: Teemu Suna

Prevention and precision at scale in action

In Conversation With: Maddalena Illario

Do we need unmedical schools?

In Conversation With: Prof. Gerhard Hindricks

The end of the stethoscope

In Conversation With: Aline Noizet

In Conversation With: Duncan Selbie

In Conversation With: Juha Jolkkonen

In Conversation With: Richard Barker

In Conversation With: Donna Henderson

In Conversation With: Prof. Gerhard Hindricks

In Conversation With: Marie-Ennis O’Connor