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What’s on Digital Twins @ RHFH

Digital Twins @ RHFH

Opportunities of Digital Twins in Healthcare

Tuesday 21 May 2024 I 13:00 – 14:30 I Room 204

The concept of a digital twin has been introduced in manufacturing. However, in recent years it generated wide-spread interest across all sciences including health because of it potential to revolutionize the way we analyze and interpret data. This session provides a broad overview of the topic, explains underlying concepts and shows potential applications in all health areas. The panel discussion aims to stimulate a discussion about prospects of digital twins and how it could be realized.

Presentations (20min per talk)

  • Frank Emmert-Streib: Professor in Data Science and the Predictive Society and Data Analytics Lab
    Talk title: Toward the application of digital twins in health
  •  Leroy Hood, MD, PhD, CEO of Phenome Health, Chief Innovation Officer in Buck Institute for Research on Aging, Chief Strategy Officer and Professor at Institute for Systems Biology, Seattle.
    Talk title: The potential of Digital Twins in Scientific Wellness: Case brain health and Alzheimer’s disease

Panel discussion (45 min): MD, Charles Alessi (chair), éditohealth with joining participants

  • Jennifer Lovejoy, PhD, Chief Translational Science Officer in Phenome Health, Seattle
  • Caroline Heckman MD, PhD Research Director, Principal Investigator, Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland-FIMM, HiLIFE-Helsinki Institute of Life Science, University of Helsinki
  • Teemu Suna, Nightingale Health, Preventive Health Startup
  • Mari Kärkkäinen, M.Sc. COO, in NearReal, Telehealth & Digital Twin company
  • Riku Rinta-Jouppi, MA (Law), M.Sc (Bioinformatics). DiLaw, Digital Twin for Immunology system, Start-up
  • Pekka Honkanen, Chairman of the Board, HippocrAItes, Digital Twin start-up

Topics to be discussed

  • What is a digital twin, is it a new concept?
  • Why is a digital twin relevant for P4 medicine?
  • What can a digital twin do for healthcare?
  • Is a digital twin a tool for drug design?
  • Could we have a digital twin for the healthcare system or hospitals?
  • How do we practically realize a digital twin?
  • Are there ethical and regulation concerns?
  • Do we need a digital twin for everyone?
  • Digital twins as enabler of interdisciplinary teamwork and education
  • Is a “digital twin for healthcare” society needed?
  • Future perspectives, how to accelerate the development