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What’s on EC2VC Investment Forum and Pitch Match

EC2VC Investment Forum and Pitch Match

Gathering entrepreneurs and investors to move digital health forward with radical honesty and practicality.

EC2VC – now in its 14th edition!

2024 Agenda – Room 102

Be a part of the exclusive, invite-only EC2VC Investment Forum and Pitch Match on May 21st as part of Radical Health Festival Helsinki 2024. This year, we are slightly evolving the EC2VC format whilst maintaining true to our mission: gathering the most active investors and innovators with clinicians and healthcare decision-makers to re-invent healthcare innovation, and accelerate investments and adoption at scale. We’ll keep the investment forum, turn the pitch competition into a Pitch Match, and elevate the investors only Networking Dinner.

Detailed agenda:

13:00–14:30     Investor Forum

13:00   Opening Keynote: Uncomfortable parallels – why healthtech matters across both developed and developing markets

Please join Dr. Joseph Mocanu, a global healthtech investor and co-founder of Verge HealthTech Fund, and explore the underlying challenges faced by health systems around the world, and how healthtech solutions from around the world may help.

13:15   Session 1: Healthcare System Constellations Across Europe

Moderator: Paolo Borella, Vice President, Program Head – VITA Accelerator – EversanIntouch, Finland


  • Ralf-Gordon Jahns, Founder and Managing Director, Research2Guidance, Germany
  • Pekka Simula, Partner, Innovestor Life Science Fund, Finland
  • Dr. Lucas Mittelmeier, Investor, Heal Capital, Germany

13:40   Session 2: How to break into the US market

Moderator: Brent Stackhouse, Managing Director, Mount Sinai Ventures, USA

  • Christian Bejelland, Managing Director, Capital Network & Global Development, Redesign Health, United States
  • Greg Grossman, Co-founder Cooley Chicago LLP, United States

14:05   Session 3: Closing the funding gaps

Moderator: Anastasiya Markvarde

  • Dr. Vedrana Högqvist Tabor, Angel Investor and Mentor at the Digital Health Accelerator, Berlin Institute of Health, Germany
  • Luciana Carvalho, Venture Scout, Ada Ventures, Portugal
  • Katrina Laks, CEO, Migrevention, Estonia

14:30–15:00      Networking Break

15:00– 16:10     Pitch Match Workshop

15:00   Investor introductions and Opening one liners (startups)
15:10   Three things investors wish startups knew (radical honesty)
15:30   Three things startups have always wanted to ask investors (radical candor)
16:00   Open Q&A

16:10–16:50      Pitch Match Private Meetings

16:10   Round 1
16:20   Round 2
16:30   Round 3
16:40   Round 4

16:50 – 17:00    Closing Keynote and Wrap-up

2025 and beyond with Brent Stackhouse, Mount Sinai Ventures, United States

20:00 – 21:30    Investor Networking Dinner – BY INVITATION ONLY
Sponsored by éditohealth and Cooley LLP

Investors, acclerators & studios participatingHeal CapitalAlmaralAccelerandoMount Sinai Health System Ventures, EVERSANA VITA accelerator, Innovestor, Fintech business development, Verge HealthTech FundRedesign Health and more

Startups participating: Aisthesis MedicalCorle Oy HosmartAIBrainTripMediMatcherMidifyMigreventionNaru IntelligenceNatal MindPowerful MedicalTech2heal, and more.

The Investment Forum

The investment forum takes place again with insightful talks and radical panel discussions focusing on the questions everyone has on their mind – things we elude to on social but never get to discuss in an open, honest forum: 

  • What does 2024 and beyond hold for digital health investments?
  • How can all the P’s (payers, providers, politicians, pharma) come together to make things easier for startups?
  • What are some of the similarities and differences when we look at digital health across Europe and by country?
  • Where are the blockers to validation, traction and broad adoption as we move toward prevention and precision at scale?

The Pitch Match

This is where we shake things up. We’d like to experiment with a setting that shifts from hard pitch to soft skills with a workshop-style dialogue amongst investors and entrepreneurs, followed by one-on-one private discussions matching startups to investors based on mutual expressed interest.

STARTUPS will get the chance for intimate, meaningful dialogue with top investors, receiving precious and practical advice on building investable, sustainable, successful digital health startups in Europe. With the potential to have follow-up investment discussions right there on site. To make this work, we’ll ask startups ahead of the event to set up a profile and attach their pitch deck (no separate application this year) on R2GConnect Platform if they don’t already have a profile. The startups can then select up to five EC2VC investors they would like to have a private conversation with.

INVESTORS will offer their valuable advice in this exclusive environment to founders, but also gather insights beyond the pitch into who the founding team is, how they see the space and how they will persevere to move digital health forward. They will review the profiles and pitch decks on R2GConnect Platform and select up to five startups they would like to speak with privately.

We believe we can create a safe space for exploration, intellectual debate and problem-solving as a radical approach to moving digital health investment forward in 2024.

The Investors Networking Dinner

We’ll end the day with a twist on the old favorite. Let’s sit around the table and break bread, but this time we’ve invited all the key players including VCs, Angels, and LPs to mingle and solve all the tough problems in time for dessert.