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What’s on Finnish Nurses Association @ RHFH

Finnish Nurses Association @ RHFH

Symposium – Every nurse is a digital nurse 

Co-designed with éditohealth and Women in Global Health 
Wednesday 22 May 2024 | 14:00-17:00 | Room 209


  • Jane Dwelly, Vice President International CHIME
  • Dr Harpreet Sood, GP leader and former clinical adviser to NHS England CEO
  • Dr Masood Ahmed, Chief Digital Information Officer & Deputy Chief Medical Officer NHS
  • Dr Louise Schaper, Former CEO Australian Institute of Digital Health
  • Laura Ellis-Morgan RN, CNIO and Chief Clinical Officer NHS Blood and Transplant
  • Terhi Reunama, Vice President of Finnish Nursing Association
  • Outi Ahonen, Principal Lecturer from Laurea University of Applied Siences
  • Kaija Saranto, PhD, RN, FACMI, FAAN, FIAHSI, President of IAHSI, Professor (Emerita) Health and Human Services Informatics, Department of Health and Social Management, University of Eastern Finland
  • Sanna Salanterä, Professor of Clinical Nursing Science and Vice Dean, Faculty of Medicine, University of Turku, she has also a subsidiary position of nurse director in the Turku University Hospital (Wellfare district of South West Finland).
  • Merja Tepponen, Doc. Sci (Health and Social Care) Social- and Health Care Development Specialist, Investigation Officer. Former Chief Development Officer South Karelia Social and Health Care District Eksote and Wellbeing services county of South Karelia


  1. Digitally enabled health and care services: an international perspective
  2. The future is data
  3. The role of the CNIO in leading digital health transformation


Attendees will gain understanding of the different ways health economies around the world are using digital health to improve services and build efficient and productive delivery models fit for the 21st century

We will focus on ‘less software: more data” to encourage attendees to think beyond vendor solutions and demand data is collected to their standards and requirements.

Attendees will be introduced to the role of the CNIO and how she or he can lead digital transformation using the power of the nurse community.

Attendees will leave with a clear plan for their own professional development including free membership of CHIME International and a discount code to access CHIME International’s accreditation programme for nurses (Certified Digital Health Leader)


2:00pmIntroductionAbout CHIME InternationalWorkshop objectivesJane Dwelly
2.05pmIntroductionAbout the Finnish Nursing AssociationWorkshop objectivesFNA Terhi Reunama
2.10pmMeet the facultyJane Dwelly & Outi Ahonen
2.20pmSession one: an international perspective
 FinlandUKAustraliaWalesSingaporeEUFNA Kaija SarantoHarpeet SoodLouise SchaperRhidian HurleAntonio EstrellaTbd
3:20pmSession two: the future is data
 How the West Midlands uses data to commission services.. and what happens nextMasood Ahmed
 Data as a service – what model to useAaron Hillman
 Keeping data clean and safe.. and useful!Louise Schaper
 Countless possibilities of data in supporting nursingFNA Sanna Salanterä
4:20pmSession three: the emerging role of the CNIO
 Case study: my role as a CNIOThe Finnish comparisonLaura Ellis-MorganFNA Merja Tepponen
4:50pmConclusion and next steps
 Building a new position for digital nursesFNA Outi Ahonen
 Identity, education and accreditationJane Dwelly