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What’s on IHE Catalyst and HL7 @ RHFH

IHE Catalyst and HL7 @ RHFH

How to better implement Health Information Exchange projects in the context of the new EHDS Regulation?

Co-designed by IHE Catalyst + HL7 Finland

Tuesday 21 May 2024 | 14:30-17:00 | Room 205

The objective of this workshop is the present and review best practices for implementing complex healthcare digital transformation projects. In a response to new needs after COVID-19 pandemic, the European Union launched in May 2022 a proposal for a new regulation for the establishment of the European Health Data Space (EHDS), which aims to improve individuals’ access to and control over their personal electronic health data, while also enabling certain data to be reused for public interest, policy support, and scientific research purposes. The EHDS provides a health-specific data environment that will help foster a single market for digital health services and products. This session will address key aspects that need to be taken into account when designing interoperability projects in the new era of the EHDS.

More detail on the agenda and discussion points:

How will Xt-EHR contribute to the implementation of EHDS in Europe?
Prof. Christos Schizas, President of the National eHealth Authority and Xt-EHR Coordinator, Cyprus

What are the new opportunities for the European single digital market?
Martin Dorazil, Deputy Head of Unit “Digital Health”, Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE), Belgium (Invited)

What is openEHR and how it can support EHDS?
Hanna Pohjonen, eHealth Management Consultant and Founder of Rosaldo Oy, Finland

Modern, developer-friendly APIs with HL7 FHIR
Mikael Rinnetmäki, Patient Advocate, Founder and CEO of Sensotrend Oy, and HL7 FHIR Ambassador, Finland

OMOP: Optimizing data for research.
Marianna Niemi, Project Manager, Data Analyst – Genetics and Bioinformatics, Helsinki University Hospital (HUS), Finland

The need for structured interoperability frameworks across Europe: Testing continuum best practices from around the world
Alexander Berler, Strategic Business Development Director, IHE Catalyst, Greece

Panel discussion with the speakers (30 min)

Q&A with the audience (30 min)

Networking (30 min)

Your session hosts:

  • Alexander Berler, Strategic Business Development Director, IHE Catalyst, Belgium
  • Mikael Rinnetmaki, Founder, Sensotrend Oy and HL7 FHIR Ambassador, Finland